If you are stuck as a slave in a place like this would you make matters worse on yourself by reporting your abductors to the local authorities? The vast majority of slaves can be found in India and in African countries, and the list of countries where slavery takes place goes on and on, but unfortunately our great country is not exempt from this list. We have all kinds of laws in place in order to protect women and minors here at home but still, statistics show that one third of the 2.8 million kids that runaway each year right here at home are recruited to pornography and prostitution within 48 hours. Each year, thousands of people are illegally brought into the United States, most of them lured here by their unscrupulous traffickers after selling their souls and bodies for huge amounts of money to these criminals with empty promises of an American dream. One that they will most likely never experience in their lifetimes. Instead, they are sent to brothels to pay off their debt by selling their bodies (in the case of women and minors). If they are men, then they are sent to labor jobs making so little money that it would take them years at end to pay off their captors for their freedom. The authorities do whatever they can to help, but in most cases it is very difficult for them to detect slaved individuals when these unfortunate people are coerced into silence with threats of deportation, and even death.
No matter what the present situation of our economy might be, we are still the richest country in the world with huge amounts of resources. Other countries might have their excuses to look the other way, but Americans know that we can all do a lot more right here at home to end slavery and human trafficking in our own backyards in this lifetime. We all have a role to play including the government, the private sector, international organizations, and all American citizens who would NOT just stand by if this terrible injustice was being inflicted on a member of their own families. YOU can do more… we all can. Visit The CNN Freedom Project and The Polaris Project to learn more.